The instructions that came with my Wi-Fi GSM Home Alarm System are virtually incomprehensible. This is true both in just the English– obviously translated from another language– but also with just the basic understanding of what I an do and why I might or might not want to do it. For instance, it goes into some detail on a “wireless siren’ (p. 16) in my manual. It tells me how to turn it on and off, but I have no explanation on what it actually is, or what I might want it on or off.
A more useful guide would lead the user through the necessary steps to set up each component in a logical way. As it is, I have no idea what to do in what order, and I don’t know if there are things I can skip. Do I need to do the “learn RFID keypad” step, or not? What IS the RFID keypad?
It’s all just maddening.